Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Truman Show

Authors Note- This is my response to the part of The Truman Show that we watched on Thursday.

Cameras everywhere, you are being watched. They are hidden in your very clothes. The people around you who you think you know are paid actors, going by a script that's being played in their ears. The entire world is watching your every move. You have no idea whats going on. This is what Truman's life everyday is. The creators of this t.v. show seems to have complete control. The fear he instills into Truman to keep him from going to Fiji is much like what the authority figures in our lives do to keep us from rebelling.

In the movie The Truman Show, it gives us a new outlook on our lives and how they are played out. It makes us think that the people around us might not be who we think they are. I also think that this movie shows that in fact, there is a higher power in our lives. Weather this higher power is directly or indirectly effecting our lives it is truly there. The way that we go about everyday life going to the same place at the same time doing the same activities makes you think what if your life really is a script written long before our time on Earth.

The Truman Show also makes you think who that higher power might be. Maybe it is someone among us now. Or even someone watching from a far away place. Life could be a script around us played out by actors just like us. It could make you wonder if everyone including yourself is going of a script written long ago by our creator, our true leader. As people in life grasp for more power they seem to become more twisted then they are now. Laws are being passed that limit the reason that we came to this country for, freedom. This is much like what happens to Truman on a day to day basis. His freedom has been taken for the entertainment of the people watching his every move.

Power is truly what we strive for in life. It is not happiness or reaching a utopia after death. Some people may argue with you on this matter but that is just an example to support your argument. When they argue this is them trying to gain power over you by being recognized as right. Who are they to decide what is right or wrong? Isn't believing in a higher power leaving that decision up to him?

1 comment:

  1. This was a good response. I really liked your introduction, because it kind of sets the mood. You brought up a lot of interesting points to think about, like whether or not there is something bigger out there. Overall, great piece.
