
  Life of Pi
How would we live our lives if we knew that our days on Earth would never end? Would we savor each passing day or would we drift through life as if we were in a boat on the ocean? Pi seemed to appreciate life in the beginning of the book when he didn’t even want to kill a fish. This changed through the novel when he realized that death is absolutely necessary for a happy or even livable life. His only source of food was to kill fish and so that is what he did. He realized that you can never live without death weather it is direct or indirect; you have to kill to live. 

Everyone knows that they have a finite number of days but we seem to live like we have an unlimited amount of time. An example would be my Uncle Rick. In November he was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. He was living life like there was a tomorrow and a next day after that. His mortality seemed to be written on a sheet of paper by a doctor and handed to him. How did that doctor have the right to tell him he only had 6 months to a year to live? Maybe we all need something terrible to happen for us to realize the minuscule amount of time we have on Earth. 

As a society we seem to value what is in limited supply. Nothing is more limited than the number of days we have on earth, yet we live like we have a multitude of time. An example of how we squander what we think is unlimited would be our natural resources. We have wasted our resources with no thought that we would run out and now we are hysterical of what we are going to do if a time comes when we do run out. If we waste our lives as we did our natural resources we could never have the “peaceful” death that everyone wants. If we had infinite time we would never feel a sense of urgency in our lives. This is where a bucket list comes in for many people. When we face our mortality we become frantic and begin to do things that we put off thinking we could do it tomorrow, next month, or even next year. This is the sense of urgency we should feel every day. 

Sometimes people find themselves so caught up with the fact that they will die that they don’t live. Without death we would have no reason to live a full and happy life. If we never depart this life we would have an eternity to make our mark in the cosmic dust. We would be happy with just existing. As you grow older death seems to loom in the shadows and slowly come into the light. 

How would you live your life if you had all eternity? Would you live cherishing each passing day or throw it in the trash because you have forever? Do you float through life or are you one of the rare people who set out with a purpose? Just like Pi have you realized that death is necessary for that “perfect” life? I strive to learn from my Uncle Rick. I want to live life to the fullest and make something of my life. We value life because of death and having what we value makes us happy.
The Catcher in the Rye

Innocence can be interpreted different ways through different people. Innocence can be absence of sin or the absence of the ability to realize what sin is. When we are infants we do things that would be considered sin when we grow up but aren't blamed because we don’t understand. When we grow older and mature that mental state of not taking punishment wants to stay with us but cant. We have a time in our lives where we have to realize that innocence is no longer present and that can tear us apart. Insanity can cause you to leave a state of innocence.                                                                        
When Holden seems to go insane he doesn’t realize it, or realize that something is happening. He just seems to start thinking completely erratically. Life to him seems to not matter, he seems to think that his actions will have no consequence. He never seems to realize that the things he is doing are not what you should do. He seems to think that he is in that state of innocence when he is really on a quest to find that state.
On his journey he encounters many things that a sane person would not even think of doing. He almost always seems to be thinking or doing something ridiculous. He seems to think that he is fading into the crowd when he really wants to be noticed but doesn’t know what for yet. He wants to be an innocent happy person with no cares and no punishment. He wants to return back to being a baby. He knows that that is not possible and that realization is driving him to the breaking point. During Holden’s narration you can tell that he is gradually going crazy and you can understand why he is telling this story from an insane asylum. Holden’s want and desire for earthly items show his ignorance for the afterlife. Part of this could be because he is going crazy and has no sense of right and wrong.
The sense of right and wrong seems to diminish from daily life for Holden and the people around him. The various things that he wouldn’t have a problem with doing are things that you and I would never think to do. His sanity is our insanity. When I read the book I felt that normal life to him is what we are disappointed in ourselves for doing or disappointed in others. Holden feels that a return to innocence will save him. He is counter-productive in the fact that he want to be innocent but doesn’t want to do the things to get to innocence. Innocence is what saves us through our first years of life, it is what redeems us from doing bad.   

Does Patriotism still matter?
Patriotism undoubtedly still matters. Patriotism in my words is what keeps this country together. It helps us get through hard times and to keep our spirits up when we go through hard times. It shows that through the hard times people still loves this country together and will do things to help. Patriotism shows a devotion and love for your country. Patriotism is how I think that countries stay together and united through hard times. I would always look up to a patriot. A patriotic person is a person that will die for his or her country if it shows that countries strength and true love. Patriotism has always mattered and will always matter.
A patriotic person may get medals and glory but if you are a true patriot that doesn’t matter, what mater is living and possibly dying for your country. Patriotism matters in every country. It doesn’t just matter in countries going through a war but matters in every country. If a patriot emerges out of a country at peace it shows true love and a person of true quality. A patriot is someone that I would always look up to and never doubt.     
Patriotism is a quality that I would love to have. Patriotism could encourage someone to do well and help people. If I had the quality of a patriot I would be very happy. If I was a patriot I think that I could make a big difference in people’s lives. Being a patriot I think that I would be looked up to.
 Patriotism matters and always will matter. Patriotism helps countries get through hard times. Patriotism shows countries that there will always be someone to help you make it through hard times. A patriot could be a war hero, a politician, or someone who just loves their country very much. A patriot is almost always looked up to and loved. Patriotism will always matter.

Fahrenheit 451
 Fahrenheit 451 shows the complete need of humans for destruction. When this new society goes from books being a part of everyday life to books being banned, it shows that there is a constant need in humans to destroy. When Montag is showing sympathy for the woman who will not give up her books or house to the firemen it could be foreshadowing of what he will become at the end of the novel. It also shows that this new society has no mercy for rebels who stray from the set path.     
The human need for destruction is shown many times in Fahrenheit 451. An intense need for destruction runs deeply in this new society. When the firemen start the fires this shows the need for destruction. The war in this book shows that even in a futuristic society that there will still be conflict and war. This deeply woven need for destruction could be considered onerous on society. Human's need for destruction is ironic because as a society we are always trying to eliminate destruction, pain, and war. The human need for destruction is deeply connected from generation to generation.     
Fear is instituted into people through destruction. Destruction puts cowardice of having books into people as to not break off and start a rebellion. The fear could be of destruction of their books, image, or life. Fear is caused by ignorance. Ignorance could be a lack of knowledge or a lack of power. Fear will always be a part of society weather in the future, the present or the past.
The underground coalitions of people who have books are constantly looking for a chance to get back into society and be accepted again. This group of people constantly shows hope through desolation and the pains they endure. A human need for destruction is shown in many ways in this rouge society. They need destruction and death so that they can come into society and introduce a new beginning.      
Need for destruction is demonstrated throughout the book Fahrenheit 451. The possibility of books being brought back into society shows the constant cycle that destruction causes. Montag becomes changed and realizes the pain that destruction causes. Destruction is what fuels the human race.